Oakland Cloud Dusters
Free Flight from the San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond


May 18, 2024 8:00 AM • Waegell Field
June 03, 2024 11:00 AM • Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City
July 01, 2024 11:00 AM • Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City

Andrew Barron's Suggestion for FF Contest Health Etiquette

May 16, 2020 8:10 PM | Web Master (Administrator)

Since there are plans for a June 6th contest at Waegell Field, we thought it was appropriate to include Andrew Barron's suggestion for how to prepare and run a contest in this Covid-19 atmosphere. Read below:

Dear Free flight friends,

Some of you have already received notice of the upcoming contest at Barron Field in Wawayanda from Tom Juel, Alan Abriss or Aram Schlosberg.  This note is to expand the distribution somewhat, in case we have missed someone who is interested, and to discuss the field use constraints.

The meet will be held on Sunday May 17 with a start time and end time designed to allow as many as possible to come without requiring an overnight stay in the area.  I have been to the field to practice several times in the past few weeks. It is in good condition for our flying.  

Social distancing is important.  Park your cars farther from each other than usual. For your flights, have your timer be at least 2 or 3 meters away.  Please state the result for the contest director or assistant to record (you can maintain a flight card but don't put it in someone else's hand). 

If you are a towline flyer.  Place your model on the ground and start to string out so that you can keep sensible distance.  Your launcher can then comfortably pick up the model to assist you.

Please have cleaning wipes (ideally disinfecting wipes) with you and clean the steering wheel and any part of the golf carts your hands have touched after each use.  Be understanding that offering rides is problematic

Likewise clean appropriate parts of the portable toilet after each use.

Masks are needed anytime you are in the general vicinity of others.  What I have been doing is wearing a bandana around the neck.  It is down off my face when I am towing or retrieving far from others.  But when I am in the vicinity of others I raise the bandana over my mouth and nose.

I suggest bringing your own food and being gassed up before you start your drive.  This way you don't need to stop at any stores on the way to the field or on your way home.

Some may wonder about holding the contest in New York while the coronavirus is still a concern in the state.  Please understand that the number of participants at these Barron Field meets have not been very large in recent years.  15 to 25 participants is typical.  These moderate numbers make it possible to keep the appropriate social distancing.  New York and other states are wisely encouraging people to get outside and get healthy air and healthy exercise, subject to the now familiar constraints I have here discussed.



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